The popular Global Bill Acceptor, GBA, is a bank note reader renowned for its simplicity, reliability and capacity to accept a wide range of world currencies. The powerful GBA note head is the platform which accepts and validates the notes. It can operate in its own right for applications which do not require notes to be handled once they have been accepted. However, there are integrated stacker options to meet the particular needs of currency markets. Based upon proven GBA2 technology, the GBA HR1 is immediately robust and reliable, both in terms of its excellent range of note validation and its sturdy metal housing. The GBA HR1 boasts an illuminated note guide for easy note insertions in low-light applications. It will accept up to 16 notes, up to 82mm in width, in 4 directions and offers FLASH download capabilities.
The GBA HR1 is a cost effective, stackerless bank note acceptor, designed to introduce today's technology to the demands of cost-conscious currency applications. The GBA HR1 also conforms to AWP industry communications standards, including CCTalk.